Squad Busters: Colt Wiki

Colt is a Common character and is part of Attacker Class of characters. This means he can deal a lot of damage.

He can be unlocked very early in the Green World.

Let’s look at what his stats are normally:


Colt’s Kit

Let’s take a look at his skill set.

Basic Attacks:

Colt attacks by shooting bullets from a long range, and these bullets deal a lot of damage. His Classic Ability lets him unleash a Bullet Storm when the purple bar around his health fills up.

Bullet Storm

This special attack happens when the purple bar around Colt’s health fills up. You can unlock this ability in Classic Evolution.

When Colt uses this attack, he fires a barrage of bullets in a straight line. These bullets deal high damage and can pass through enemies.


There isn’t much to explain about Fusion because it works the same for almost every character in the game. Fusion increases both health and damage output.

You can watch the videos provided above to know more about this character.

Colt Evolution and Their Explanations

BabyNormal Attacks, deals range damage.
ClassicGives Bullet Storm after defeating 4 enemies.
SuperIncreases the damage of Bullet Storm.
UltraCharges Bullet Storm over time when attacking monsters.

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