Squad Buster: Archer Queen Wiki

The Archer Queen is an Epic character in the game. She belongs to the Attacker class of characters.

She can be unlocked in the Green World.

Let’s take a look at her stats:

Fusion Stats:

Archer Queen’s Kit

Let’s discuss more of her kit.

Basic Attacks:

As shown in the video above, the Archer Queen attacks from a long range using her bow. She deals very high damage, but her health pool is low because she belongs to the Attacker class.

Exploding Arrows

Her special attack allows her to fire exploding arrows. These arrows deal splash damage and knock back enemies. Unlike the Barbarian King, she doesn’t need to attack to charge her special attack—it charges over time. You can unlock this special attack during Classic Evolution.


When you fuse the Archer Queen, her damage potential and the power of her attacks increase. Her squad’s ranged units will attack even faster than before. Fusion also gives her an extra x-bow spell.

Archer Queen Evolution and Their Explanation

BabyRanged Units in the squad attack faster.
ClassicOccasionally fires exploding arrows that knock back enemies.
SuperSlowly recovers health when not engaging in battle.
UltraGives an X-Bow spell when unlocked through battle chest.

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