Squad Busters: Goblin Wiki

Goblin is a Common characters and he belongs from Supplier class.

He can be unlocked in the Green World.

Goblin’s Stats:

Fusion Stats:

Goblin’s Kit

Goblin’s kit is pretty simple, so there isn’t much to talk about.

Let’s watch the video to understand the Goblin better.

As you can see in the video, his attacks don’t deal much damage since he’s a support character.

Goblin’s Ability

When the Goblin is unlocked through a battle chest, he drops coins. The number of coins he drops increases with each evolution. At the “Baby” stage, he only drops 5 coins.

This ability is very helpful in the early game when coins are limited. However, in the late game, it becomes less useful because coins are easier to collect.

Here is the video showcasing his ability.

Goblin’s Fusion

Goblin’s Fusion increases the number of coins he drops when unlocked through a battle chest.

Goblin Evolution and Their Explanation

BabyGives 5 coins when unlocked through battle chest.
ClassicIncreases the coin gained from “5” to “7”.
SuperWhen fused, Goblin drops 15 coins.
UltraIncreases the coin gained from “7” to “10”.

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